martes, 19 de junio de 2012

Post 2


Many traditional dishes in Cajamarca come from Inca times some are the product of miscegenation as a flavoring with unknown species for centuries.

The most popular are the spicy guinea pig, chicken broth, quinoa soup, wheat soup and other soups with potatoes, corn and potato starch.



The favorite drinks are the “Cañazo” or Schnapps of cane and “Chicha de Jora”. The cheeses of Cajamarca are very popular and they have lots of varieties.

In general Cajamarca offered a big variety of products derivative of fresh milk, for example, the Manjar Blanco, butter, etc, which are sold in many shops in town.

We also find other desserts from fruits, for example Chiclayo's sweet, figs, etc.


ü  Spicy of potatoes with guinea pig:
Stew of guinea pig cooked in peanut sauce and panca chili accompanied of potatoes

ü  Chicharron with mote:
Pig meat cooked in the same fat accompanied of mote or corn kernels.

ü  Humitas:
Sweet or salt corn mass stuffing with cinnamon and raisins wrapped in corn leaves and steamed.

ü  Green soup:
Potato soup with aromatic herbs of the region.


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