viernes, 15 de junio de 2012

Post 4

                                           Project Idea

After visiting the city, we realized that one of the items most needed cover for tourism development in the area and is about hotels, and that despite having many attractions need good restaurants and hotels of good quality in the city. In addition to deficiencies in care and service.

Main motivation for this project

Cover the lack of hotels in the area, providing a first class service to tourists, foreign workers from the Yanacocha mining company and residents.


- Cover the unmet
- Job opportunities for residents of the city
- Provide a first class service, characterizing us to provide quality and comfort to the guests
-The latest technology without neglecting the traditional.

Diverse endowment of tourist resources: archaeological, historical cultural, natural etc.. Existence of natural sources of thermal waters - medicinal.. Favorable conditions for the ecotourism and tourism of adventure.. Cajamarca: " Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Americas " - Title granted by the OEA.. Development of processes participative and coordinated for the exploitation of tourist resources.. Functioning of entities specialized in the technical formation of human elements dedicated to the tourist activity..  Craftsmen's important presence with high level of creativity.

Weaknesses (or Limitations)

Increasing environmental pollution by effects of mining activity. Environmental insufficient education, it generates slightly sustainable utilization of natural resources and breach of procedure referred to the environment.













Investment of the national and foreign capitals in the region.. Accomplishment of fairs of promotion to the regional offer.. Increasing interest for tourist attractions of the Increasing region demands of products agroecológics


Increase of the smuggling. Climatic adverse factors. Factors favorable to the development of the drug trafficking and social violence

Cajamarca, during the first 3 months of the year, and still after navidad it turns into the City of the Carnival, the real and only city of the Carnival into Peru that fuses the real Peruvian spirit of the traditional thing with the happiness, the abandon, the beauty and possession of the youth as counterpart of the most modern thing. So pleasant, entertaining and incomparable it is this holiday, that D. L has been considered to be Cajamarca by law of the Congress of the Republic. N ° 27667 like " National Holiday ". [1] To pace of the "Silulo", " The Carolina ", "Cumbe-Cumbe" and " The Matarina ", the population and his national and international visitors dance about the stick silulo, that the cajamarquinos are called "UNSHA".
That’s the reason our project is to create a hotel of good quality maybe we  can start with  a 3 start hotel and in some years  became  a 5 start hotel .


Cajamarca has many advantage one of then is the Architecture.
Cajamarca is home to six Christian churches of Spanish influence in a Peruvian and Incan landscape. Out of these six churches, three are most notable for their ornamentation and originality. In November if 1532 Pizarro and his men entered the Incan territory of Cajamarca, this initiated the Spanish and Christian conversion of the indigenous Incas. An Inca temple was immediately transformed into a Christian church dedicated to St. Francis. The style of ecclesiastical architecture differs from other Peruvian cities due to the geographic and climatic conditions.
The climate in Cajamarca is subtropical highland


Nowadays  the main  problem  is the political issues that has Cajamarca . people in the street who care about the situation make somes protest against the goberment.
In Cajamarca we can find hotels  that has good service and quality and we have to fight with that.

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